Grace and I used to be slightly obsessed with Gareth Gates when we went to a Smash Hits concert, we both had Gaz written on our foreheads and stickers of his face on our cheeks. We also made my mum wear a sticker saying “Dunc’s a hunk!” (Duncan from Blue). When Grace and I went on holiday to LA and Vegas in 2015, we had a lovely meal before deciding to do the zip line over Fremont Street when it got dark.
Grace went from being excited at dinner, to petrified when we got to the top, to screaming when we were doing it and finally so happy and pleased with herself that she managed to do it. We all absolutely loved it and spent the rest of the evening full of adrenaline. I remember giving Gracie the biggest hug after we had done the zip line and telling her how proud I was of her for being so brave and going ahead with it even though she was petrified. It was unforgettable and I’ll always cherish this wonderful memory.