Grace Dear Zine

“It’s ok not to be ok”

Grace Dear Zine – an arts project


The Grace Dear Youth Theatre has launched a new project!

the Grace Dear Zine… is a physically distant but socially friendly art project.

The project has been designed so young people can work away from a screen. They will receive a monthly printed pack of art materials to help support your mental wellbeing. It contains ideas for writing, lyric making, visual art and mindful colouring. The aim is that young people can go and make a masterpiece from the comfort of their bedroom. Or, they can use it as inspiration for a digital detox.

We invite young people to send their work back to us for a monthly digital showcase, reminding us that we are stronger together.

The packs have been put together with contributions from Bounce Theatre, local musician Aaaron Norton, urban artist Collagism and visual arts practitioner Nicole Cowan.

All of the artists will be available to offer masterclasses and workshops over the summer.

Download your copies of the Grace Dear Zine below

Grace Dear Zine Art Pack Grace Dear Trust Issue 7 Grace Dear Zine Art Pack 6 Grace Dear Zine Art Pack 5  
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Imagine Art Pack Grace Dear Trust Issue-1 Imagine Art Pack Grace Dear Trust Issue-2 Imagine Art Pack Grace Dear Trust Issue 3 Imagine Art Pack Grace Dear Trust Issue 4
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Please contact us by email at: if you require further information